Aug 6, 20202 min readKnow How to Stay Away from Charity ScamsDid you know there are many people who fall trap to charity scams each year? And the money from the fake charity websites goes directly...
Jun 18, 20202 min readYad Eliezer: Contribute to Israel Charities and Make a DifferenceThere has been a lot of talk about the problem of poverty in the country. If you believe the report given by OCED back in 2016, it ...
Apr 14, 20202 min readDonate to Yad Eliezer and Make a Difference for Israeli FamiliesDonating your time or money may prove to be beneficial for you in several different ways such as improving your mental health, making you...
Feb 10, 20202 min readYad Eliezer: Bringing Joy and Hope to People Since 1980 For some people, life is not a bed of roses. People struggle day and night to earn their bread and butter but still, they are not able to...
Jan 1, 20202 min readShare What You Have and Experience the Joy Of Giving Life is a struggle for everyone. It may be possible that your colleague is giving you a tough time and your well-paid job too seems like...
Nov 27, 20192 min readSpread Love to the Needy Families in Israel with CharityWe all have our fair share of problems in life. While some of us are struggling to choose the shirt to wear to the office the next day,...