We all have our fair share of problems in life. While some of us are struggling to choose the shirt to wear to the office the next day, there are some others who are contemplating their options of filing their own stomachs or feeding their children. If you are reading this on your mobile phone or computer screens, chances are that you have never felt the way some people in Israel do. While you don’t have enough money to fund your exotic vacations, there are families in Israel who don’t have enough money to buy formula milk for their newborns. While there are several Jewish charity organizations that are working towards the well-being of people in Israel, their efforts alone will not be enough.
When you visit the club or bars tonight, do remember that there are people who hardly know how it feels to be full. They have never really had a satisfying meal and without your help it is possible that they may never even have one. The poverty situation across the globe is heart wrenching and Israel is one such nation that needs your help today.
Now, just take a little trip down the memory lane and imagine your little selves running towards your parents or siblings to tell them what happened at school. Chances are you still narrate everything that happened at work today to your best friend or someone else close to you. And today when you do that, remember there are little children in troubled families who have no one to talk to. There are a lot of people without proper means for survival and are living lives without love and support. Be thankful that you are not one among them and realize that you can help make a difference to their lives. With Yad Eliezer, you can help make a difference – one person and one family at a time. It is an organization that works for people in Israel and with your charity for Israel they will be able to help more people than they already do.
They are leaving no stone unturned in helping people and it would be great if you too took out some time from your busy life and a couple of dollars out of your pockets to help them achieve their goals. Yad Eliezer gives you a chance to help people and create a difference in someone’s life!
About Yad Eliezer:
Yad Eliezer is among the prominent Jewish charities working for human well-being in Israel.
To know more, visit https://www.yadeliezer.org
Original Source: https://bit.ly/2XGbTi6